Employee Benefits

Benefits for health
1. Group Hospitalisation & Surgical
Care for your employees by providing them with a complete hospitalisation plan. Select from a wide range of benefits options to provide the most suitable plan for your employees. You also have the option to provide hospitalisation coverage for your employees’ dependents.
2. Group Out-Patient & Surgical
Provide your employees and their dependents the convenience of accessing outpatient care at General Practitioner (GP) and Specialist Care (SP).
3. Group Term Life & Critical Illness
The Term Life Benefit and Critical Illness provides your employees with financial security in the event of an untimely death or Critical Illness.
4. Group Personal Accident
Personal Accident insurance provides compensation to your employees in the event of injuries, disability or death caused solely by accidental, external and visible events.
5. Employee Voluntary Solutions
A-Plus Health Guard is a comprehensive medical plan which is designed to complement your existing medical coverage without requiring any medical underwriting.
6. Group MedCare - Personal Medical Case Management
Exclusive access to Personal Medical Case Management services, ensuring your employees to receive the best possible treatment and personalised on-going support throughout their medical journey when diagnosed with a serious or complex condition.
7. Workmen Compensation
The Workmen's Compensation insurance provides coverage to you as an employer in respect of your statutory liabilities under the Workmen’s Compensation Law(s) as well as the Common Law to your employees who are generally not covered by SOCSO.
A yearly renewable hospital and surgical insurance designed to reduce the financial burden of the employer of foreign workers in the event of hospital admission to a Non-Corporatised Malaysian Government Hospital due to an accident or illness.
Benefits for financial security
Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Vesting Programme for Employers is a scheme that can help employers boost their compensation package by offering to contribute to their employees' retirement fund on top of the mandatory Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contribution.
What we can do for you
Hifumi can support your aspirations for a healthy, happy and productive workforce with a customised employee benefits and wellbeing plan. We design your employee benefits into one cohesive offering that supports your workplace culture (or the culture you aspire to). The focus is on building real value for your workforce and business alike.
1. Carefully consider what’s right for your business, your people and your budget.
2. Closely align the benefits with your company culture and recruitment and retention efforts.
3. Provide you with market-leading technology, so you’re in control of the data.